Alumni Service Center

Alumni Service Center


Lin Yuan-Chien     / Director


Ext. 57041、34148

  1. Conducting general business of Alumni Service Center.


  1. Luo Chi-ching
  2. Liu Chih-Hsiu


Luo Chi-Ching     / Administrative Assistant  ; Ext. 57042
  1. NCU fundraising


  1. Liu Chih-Hsiu

  2. Sun Chi-Jui


Liu Chih-Hsiu     / Administrative Assistant ; Ext. 57043

  1. Exhibitions of Museum of NCU History

  2. Property management of Museum of NCU History

  3. Reservation service of guided tour to Museum of NCU History

  4. NCU alumni card service and contracts with partner shops

  5. Alumni email application and review

  6. Alumni information database maintenance


  1. Luo Chi-ching

  2. Sun Chi-Jui


Sun Chi-Jui     / Project Assistant Ext. 57046
  1. Business of distinguished alumni election

  2. Editor of NCU Alumni E-paper

  3. NCU Worldwide Alumni Service Net website management


  1. Lou Chi-ching

  2. Liu Chih-Hsiu


Business standard operating procedures:

  • SOP of Apply Alumni Card  SOP of Apply Alumni Card

  • SOP of NCU Museum Management  SOP of NCU Museum Management

  • Attention of Apply Alumni Card  Attention of Apply Alumni Card 

  • SOP of Giving to NCU  SOP of Giving to NCU

  • SOP of NCU Fundraising  SOP of NCU Fundraising